STAR Approach

Have you ever been concerned about uncomfortable questions by recruiters? Here are some examples of behavioural and situational interview questions which can make you a little bit anxious:

  • Can you tell me about a time you failed in your previous job?
  • What was the most challenging situation you have experienced?
  • Did you have any conflicts with your coworkers? Can you please give me an example?

Well, first of all, we need to understand that the recruiter does not mean to bother the candidate but to assess his or her problem-solving skills and creativity. To answer such questions, Development Dimensions International has suggested the STAR Technique[1].

STAR includes:

  • S – Situation: the challenging situation you were in. Briefly describe the background to give the context of your story.
  • T – Task: in this step, you should identify the task you set out to accomplish. The recruiter is trying to figure out what goal you were working forward.
  • A – Action: simply describe your actions. What did you do? What kind of skills did you use to deal with the situation?
  • R – Result: the outcome. What happened? Did you achieve your goals? Do you think it was possible to get other results? Are there any lessons to learn?

So, the advantage of this techniques is that it can be used as a structured template of the way of telling a story and answer the “uncomfortable” questions. And, as Jane Finkle mentioned in her book (see the footnote below), it’s important to demonstrate your skills and personality traits, such as perseverance, creativity, being confident, and so on.

  1. SAVVY: a Formula to Promote Yourself by Jane Finkle – brainstorming24 Avatar

    […] can find some information about the author in my previous post. According to the formula, it will take from 30 seconds to 1 minute to represent yourself. You […]

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[1] I got familiar with STAR Approach from the book “The Introvert’s Complete Career Guide” by Jane Finkle, a famous career consultant with 20 years of experience. Although her target audience are the introverted people who face to plenty of challenges in their career path, the book is highly recommended to everyone as it includes valuable information about ‘corporate culture’.

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